Motivational Quotes by Jensen Huang

Jensen Huang is the co-founder, president, and CEO of NVIDIA Corporation, a company well-known for its graphics processing units for gaming and professional markets. He often speaks about innovation, leadership, and the future of technology. Huang emphasizes the importance of striving for excellence and the impact of artificial intelligence on society. He believes in the power of hard work and vision in achieving success.

His views on technology’s role in shaping the future highlight the need for continuous advancement and adaptation. Huang’s leadership at NVIDIA reflects these principles, guiding the company to significant achievements in the tech industry.

90+ Inspirational Quotes of Jensen Huang

Image for the quote - When you increase productivity, economies become better.

When you increase productivity, economies become better.

Image for the quote - But I think we're going to have people who work from home a couple of days a week.

But I think we’re going to have people who work from home a couple of days a week.

Image for the quote - Manufacturing all over the world has the benefit of efficiency.

Manufacturing all over the world has the benefit of efficiency.

Never start with a chiplet design; go for the biggest chip you can imagine and build it.

Image for the quote - I enjoy looking at other people's products and learning from them.

I enjoy looking at other people’s products and learning from them.

Image for the quote - I think culture is a big word for corporate character.

I think culture is a big word for corporate character.

Image for the quote - 20 years ago, all of this [artificial intelligence] was science fiction. 10 years ago, it was a dream. Today, we are living it.

20 years ago, all of this [artificial intelligence] was science fiction. 10 years ago, it was a dream. Today, we are living it.

Image for the quote - Software is the language of automation.

Software is the language of automation.

Image for the quote - Without intellectual honesty, you can't have a culture that's willing to tolerate failure.

Without intellectual honesty, you can’t have a culture that’s willing to tolerate failure.

Image for the quote - There’s so much still to explore and discover in the realm of technology. We’re just scratching the surface.

There’s so much still to explore and discover in the realm of technology. We’re just scratching the surface.

Image for the quote - Performance matters because games are built on great performance.

Performance matters because games are built on great performance.

Image for the quote - Obviously the thing that's cool about games - a basketball game is just a basketball game.

Obviously the thing that’s cool about games – a basketball game is just a basketball game.

Image for the quote - Safety is not just about trying really hard and being really careful.

Safety is not just about trying really hard and being really careful.

Image for the quote - People play games seriously. People host tournaments. People watch other people play.

People play games seriously. People host tournaments. People watch other people play.

Image for the quote - I love that the work that we do is so vital to science.

I love that the work that we do is so vital to science.

Image for the quote - Best Effort is not good enough in many areas.

Best Effort is not good enough in many areas.

Image for the quote - You need that blockchain to have some fundamental value.

You need that blockchain to have some fundamental value.

Image for the quote - Well, the world of entertainment and leisure is gigantic.

Well, the world of entertainment and leisure is gigantic.

Image for the quote - Believe in yourself and your abilities. You have the power to make a difference.

Believe in yourself and your abilities. You have the power to make a difference.

Image for the quote - I already have a job and being the CEO of Nvidia is a great privilege.

I already have a job and being the CEO of Nvidia is a great privilege.

Image for the quote - People are going to use more and more AI.

People are going to use more and more AI.

Image for the quote - I believe that the future is about having a whole bunch of A.I., not one A.I.

I believe that the future is about having a whole bunch of A.I., not one A.I.

Image for the quote - The single greatest challenge in AI is scaling the capacity.

The single greatest challenge in AI is scaling the capacity.

Image for the quote - Everything that moves will be autonomous someday, whether partially or fully. Breakthroughs in AI have made all kinds of robots possible, and we are working with companies around the world to build these amazing machines.

Everything that moves will be autonomous someday, whether partially or fully. Breakthroughs in AI have made all kinds of robots possible, and we are working with companies around the world to build these amazing machines.

Image for the quote - The more creativity we bring to AI, the more our AI can bring to creativity.

The more creativity we bring to AI, the more our AI can bring to creativity.

Image for the quote - Virtual reality, all the A.I. work we do, all the robotics work we do - we're as close to realizing science fiction as it gets.

Virtual reality, all the A.I. work we do, all the robotics work we do – we’re as close to realizing science fiction as it gets.

Image for the quote - AI will make it possible for the Internet to directly engage people in the real world, through robotics and drones and little machines that will do smart things by themselves.

AI will make it possible for the Internet to directly engage people in the real world, through robotics and drones and little machines that will do smart things by themselves.

Image for the quote - We really believe that long-term, the way AI will drive is similar to the way humans drive.

We really believe that long-term, the way AI will drive is similar to the way humans drive.

Image for the quote - We’re living in the age of AI, where technology has the power to augment human intelligence and transform industries.

We’re living in the age of AI, where technology has the power to augment human intelligence and transform industries.

Image for the quote - The AI technology will keep you out of harm's way.

The AI technology will keep you out of harm’s way.

Image for the quote - Innovation is not about grand visions, it’s about solving real problems.

Innovation is not about grand visions, it’s about solving real problems.

Image for the quote - Moonshots? How about robots that will design robots that will operate robots that will design new robots.

Moonshots? How about robots that will design robots that will operate robots that will design new robots.

Image for the quote - Focus on problems that cannot be solved today at all.

Focus on problems that cannot be solved today at all.

Image for the quote - The automation of automation, the automation of intelligence, is such an incredible idea.

The automation of automation, the automation of intelligence, is such an incredible idea.

Image for the quote - Innovation is not about inventing something completely new, it’s about improving what already exists.

Innovation is not about inventing something completely new, it’s about improving what already exists.

Image for the quote - True innovation requires taking risks and being willing to fail.

True innovation requires taking risks and being willing to fail.

Image for the quote - At NVIDIA, we are focused on four massive initiatives.

At NVIDIA, we are focused on four massive initiatives.

Image for the quote - We're going to design future cars the way people design airplanes.

We’re going to design future cars the way people design airplanes.

Image for the quote - Open collaboration and partnership are the keys to driving progress and innovation.

Open collaboration and partnership are the keys to driving progress and innovation.

Image for the quote - We have an amazing engineering team in the company pushing the limits of device physics.

We have an amazing engineering team in the company pushing the limits of device physics.

Image for the quote - The most powerful technologies are the ones that empower others.

The most powerful technologies are the ones that empower others.

Image for the quote - I believe we're right on the cusp of it.

I believe we’re right on the cusp of it.

Image for the quote - Technology should be accessible to all, regardless of geography, income, or background.

Technology should be accessible to all, regardless of geography, income, or background.

Image for the quote - Software is eating the world, but AI is going to eat software.

Software is eating the world, but AI is going to eat software.

Image for the quote - Technology has the power to bridge gaps and bring people together.

Technology has the power to bridge gaps and bring people together.

Image for the quote - One of the most important technologies that we have to build is AR.

One of the most important technologies that we have to build is AR.

Image for the quote - AI as a technology is complex, but the capabilities and benefits of AI aren't hard to understand.

AI as a technology is complex, but the capabilities and benefits of AI aren’t hard to understand.

Image for the quote - We have a responsibility to use technology to make the world a better place.

We have a responsibility to use technology to make the world a better place.

Image for the quote - Some people say the network is the computer. We believe the display is the computer.

Some people say the network is the computer. We believe the display is the computer.

Image for the quote - I don't think you can create culture and develop core values during great times.

I don’t think you can create culture and develop core values during great times.

Image for the quote - Business comes and goes and we make a strategic decision that could lead you to a whole new place.

Business comes and goes and we make a strategic decision that could lead you to a whole new place.

Image for the quote - Digital currency is not going away.

Digital currency is not going away.

Image for the quote - Embrace the unknown and embrace change. That’s where true breakthroughs happen.

Embrace the unknown and embrace change. That’s where true breakthroughs happen.

Image for the quote - A smart car is not just about giving you information, but it is also about keeping you safe.

A smart car is not just about giving you information, but it is also about keeping you safe.

Image for the quote - Never stop asking questions and seeking answers. Curiosity fuels progress.

Never stop asking questions and seeking answers. Curiosity fuels progress.

Image for the quote - There are very few industries that I know of - I mean, there are companies in fashion, in cosmetics.

There are very few industries that I know of – I mean, there are companies in fashion, in cosmetics.

Image for the quote - Am I excited about proof of stake? The answer's yes…

Am I excited about proof of stake? The answer’s yes…

Image for the quote - It turns out that a lot of gamers love design, love to create in digital.

It turns out that a lot of gamers love design, love to create in digital.

Image for the quote - Success is a work in progress. It’s not about achieving a goal, it’s about constantly improving and pushing boundaries.

Success is a work in progress. It’s not about achieving a goal, it’s about constantly improving and pushing boundaries.

Image for the quote - Don’t be afraid to think different and challenge the status quo.

Don’t be afraid to think different and challenge the status quo.

Image for the quote - Our core market has been historically gamers and digital content creators.

Our core market has been historically gamers and digital content creators.

Image for the quote - Power consumption does not matter to anyone.

Power consumption does not matter to anyone.

Image for the quote - I'm looking forward to real big advances in autopilot capability.

I’m looking forward to real big advances in autopilot capability.

Image for the quote - We have a good sense of the pulse of the industry.

We have a good sense of the pulse of the industry.

Image for the quote - We're very careful to select what domains we'll build to serve.

We’re very careful to select what domains we’ll build to serve.

Image for the quote - I'm the product of my parents' dreams and aspirations.

I’m the product of my parents’ dreams and aspirations.

Image for the quote - It’s not about the device, it’s about what you can do with it.

It’s not about the device, it’s about what you can do with it.

Image for the quote - My sense is that we're welcome in China and we'll continue to work hard to deserve to be welcome.

My sense is that we’re welcome in China and we’ll continue to work hard to deserve to be welcome.

Image for the quote - Well, I don't have any greater insight than anybody else.

Well, I don’t have any greater insight than anybody else.

Image for the quote - Gaming notebooks aren't that abundant.

Gaming notebooks aren’t that abundant.

Image for the quote - Every market we go to, we have a domain-specific language.

Every market we go to, we have a domain-specific language.

Image for the quote - I think that's what's thrilling about leadership - when you're holding onto literally the worst possible hand on the planet and you know you're still going to win.

I think that’s what’s thrilling about leadership – when you’re holding onto literally the worst possible hand on the planet and you know you’re still going to win.

Image for the quote - We'll just keep working with our supply chain to inform them about the changing world of IT.

We’ll just keep working with our supply chain to inform them about the changing world of IT.

Image for the quote - A.I. will make it possible for the Internet to directly engage people in the real world.

A.I. will make it possible for the Internet to directly engage people in the real world.

Image for the quote - The challenge for what everybody's seeing in deep learning - the software richness is really quite high.

The challenge for what everybody’s seeing in deep learning – the software richness is really quite high.

Image for the quote - The Xbox is how the computer will be built in the next 20 years.

The Xbox is how the computer will be built in the next 20 years.

Image for the quote - We have our conviction as a company.

We have our conviction as a company.

Image for the quote - It's very clear that AI is going to impact every industry.

It’s very clear that AI is going to impact every industry.

Image for the quote - My two puppies don’t do linear algebra to learn how to catch a toy.

My two puppies don’t do linear algebra to learn how to catch a toy.

Image for the quote - It's now established that Ethereum is going to be quite valuable.

It’s now established that Ethereum is going to be quite valuable.

Image for the quote - This is the largest market opportunity the IT industry has ever seen.

This is the largest market opportunity the IT industry has ever seen.

Image for the quote - Great ideas can come from anyone, anywhere. It’s about creating an environment where those ideas can flourish.

Great ideas can come from anyone, anywhere. It’s about creating an environment where those ideas can flourish.

Image for the quote - Leadership is about setting the stage for others to shine.

Leadership is about setting the stage for others to shine.

Image for the quote - I will say that Surface has been a big disappointment for us and for Microsoft.

I will say that Surface has been a big disappointment for us and for Microsoft.

Image for the quote - We reduced the performance of our GPU on purpose.

We reduced the performance of our GPU on purpose.

Image for the quote - Website will not require me to point and click and drag and search.

Website will not require me to point and click and drag and search.

Image for the quote - Persistence and resilience are key to overcoming challenges and achieving success.

Persistence and resilience are key to overcoming challenges and achieving success.

Image for the quote - Last year was the beginning. This is going to be a huge year.

Last year was the beginning. This is going to be a huge year.

Image for the quote - If you want to be successful, I would encourage you to grow a tolerance for failure.

If you want to be successful, I would encourage you to grow a tolerance for failure.

Image for the quote - AI won’t take your job but someone using AI will do.

AI won’t take your job but someone using AI will do.

Image for the quote - If you don't have a mobile strategy, you're in deep turd.

If you don’t have a mobile strategy, you’re in deep turd.

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